Safety & Risk Management
At Sonangol USA Company, our priority is the safety of our workforce. Through our safety programs and practices, we seek to maintain a culture in which employees and contractors keep each other safe on the job so that everyone across our operations returns home safe every day.
Our commitment to occupational and process safety begins at the top of our organization and is reinforced at every level. For example, we include key enterprisewide safety metrics in our annual incentive plan formula for executives and employees.
Every year our Chief Executive Officer and our President and Chief Operating Officer present awards for safety excellence to the Hess teams and individuals who exemplify outstanding safety performance.
Sonangol USA Company process safety program aims to prevent unplanned or uncontrolled loss of primary containment of any material, including materials that are non-toxic and nonflammable (e.g., steam, nitrogen, compressed air), that could result in an incident such as an injury, fire, explosion, toxic release or environmental impact. Our efforts focus on understanding and identifying key points within process safety systems that could impact the integrity and the safe and proper operation of equipment, as follows:
- Design integrity - reducing risks in the design and construction of facilities
- Technical integrity - inspecting, testing and maintaining hardware and software barriers
- Operational integrity - working within operational design parameters